Chakra means circle or wheel. They represent energetic vortexes of our body through which vital energy flows, influencing the physical, mental and emotional level.
To activate and harmonize them, we created the 7 chakra bombs line.
Do you know what to work on each one?
Muladhara or Root Chakra: Connect with our instinct, solidity, security and strength.
Svadishthana or Sacred Chakra: Connect with our sexuality, passion, joy and freedom.
Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus: Connect with our power, control and self-esteem.
Anahata or heart chakra: Connect with feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness and healing.
Vishuddhha or throat chakra: Connect with our communication and expression.
Ajna Chakra or third eye: Connect with our intuition and perception.
Sahasrara or crown chakra: Connect with our spirituality and transcendence.